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Wedgies and Race???
Couple things:

I’ve been around for awhile and have seen a lot of things come in and out of the community but one thing I think is just as big of an issue as age in the community is actually racism. After talking to some other POC guys about it it’s definitely an issue. 

As a black man (i can only speak to my experiences), it’s crazy how many racist people I run into when taking/thinking about this kink. From subtle things like, only posting pictures of a certain type of person to explicit things like saying that a black man should be a wedgie slave because…ya know. It’s WILD. 

I think it really gets prevelant when you start talking about the idea of meetups and doing wedgies in person and I personally find that extremely messed up. If you can’t do wedgies with someone because they are a different color than you, I hate to tell you but man you’ve got issues. On numerous occasions it has happened it’s crazy how many guys will just ghost because a person is any type of POC. 

I mean theres really nothing that can be done about it but just felt like it should be said

Messages In This Thread
Wedgies and Race??? - by Wedgie365 - 10-05-2023, 10:52 PM
RE: Wedgies and Race??? - by Pabubu21 - 10-11-2023, 01:21 AM
RE: Wedgies and Race??? - by SpaceCorgi - 10-11-2023, 04:39 AM
RE: Wedgies and Race??? - by Wedgie365 - 10-16-2023, 06:54 PM

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