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Wedgie Story
Chapter 6. Grandpa Bruce Visits

The next day, everyone was home because someone was coming over. Their Grandpa Bruce was visiting over two days. Since the boys didn't have school Monday, they figured he could hang out with them the whole day. Bruce was Chuck's father and was a large man. He was a bit overweight and was the same size as Chuck. He was wearing a black shirt tucked into his jean shorts that went past his knees. He had a full head of gray hair and a full beard that wasn't very long, but it was a little puffy. Their mom greeted him at the door and then headed out for the next two days on a business trip. Next was Chuck, wearing a blue shirt tucked into a pair of green camo pants, he went up and hugged his dad tightly. Before it ended, Chuck let out an "Uff" because Bruce had a hold of his son's tighty whities. He just yanked once and let go.

"I see you still do that odd tuck thing you do." He chuckled and went into the living room and greeted the boys. He gave a hug to Jeff, Tony, and Eric. Then he gave Isaac a hug, but he yelped when Bruce has his briefs held in a wedgie. "Your dad got a wedgie for it, so you needed one too." He said because Isaac's shirt was tucked in his undies. Bruce then went to the guest room and got situated.

Later, they were all hanging out in the living room, having fun. That's when Eric decided he could take his dad in a wrestling match. Tackling him, he didn't move Chuck at all. His shirt wasn't tucked into his shirt anymore because of Bruce being around. Pushing Eric over, he took his left hand and held him on the ground. Grabbing onto the Spiderman boxers he was wearing, Chuck lifted him off the ground. Eric giggled like a little kid and squirmed a lot. Letting him go, Eric adjusted himself and continued the assault.

As Chuck was sitting on the ground, Eric was punching him lightly in the gut. Chuck was pretending to get hurt from every attack. Then Eric lightly punched him in the cheek. Dramatically, his head spun with the punch an he fell face down on the ground. Laying on the ground, he felt his shirt move up a little and hands on his underwear. Without pulling, Eric stood up and put his foot on the side of Chuck's face. Then, with one hand, he wedged the white underwear up his father's butt. Eric continued to pull as Chuck said, "No, No, No!" But he wasn't being serious. Then, the pain got sharper and then he heard a ripping sound. Eric's foot was still on his head as Jeff was pulling Chuck up off the ground. Lifting his father off the ground, his 'no''s got serious. Then, the waistband ripped so Jeff let go. Laughing it off, Chuck went and changed into different underwear.

The next day...

As Chuck left for the day, all of others stayed home to hang out. Today, it was very hot, so none of them were wearing shirts. Even Grandpa Bruce wasn't wearing a shirt. Coming up behind Eric, Bruce gave his Hulk Boxers a good tug. After he fixed it, Bruce got an idea.

"Okay, today. If you get a wedgie, you can't fix it."

"Agreed," they all said. When Bruce heard one of the voices came from behind him. It was Tony. Reaching out for the Hanes Classic waistband, he launched it up Bruce's back. The leg holes did pop out a little, and he moaned a little. Bruce just began to walk around in defeat and then sat on the couch.

Later, Tony was walking out of the bathroom and noticed something moving outside. Walking outside, he saw something funny. Both Eric and Isaac were hanging from their underwear, Hulk Boxers and Tighty Whities respectfully. There was a rope coming from each and attached to the big tree outside. Isaac was missing his pants and Eric's pants was about to fall off. Before he could retreat, he felt his tighty whities snap into his ass. Behind him was Jeff.

"Your turn!" He said as he began to tie a rope to Tony's undies. Pushing him over to the tree, he looped the rope over a branch and attached it to a quad. Placing Tony under the tree, Jeff jumped on the quad and started to drive. Digging the briefs into Tony's ass. It burned so much, but he couldn't do anything. Jeff stopped when Tony's feet were only an inch off the ground. Yelling, Tony tried to get out of the trap, but Jeff tapped his mouth shut and admired his work. At that moment, Jeff's black boxer-briefs launched up his back and his feet off the ground. Bruce was giving him a massive dangling wedgie. Walking over to the wooden fence, he hung Jeff there. "You get what you dish out," He said as he walked back over to Tony. "You deserved this, too." He chuckled. Turning around, he began to walk away,but he couldn't move. Tony had a hold of Grandpa Bruce's already wedgied briefs. Because he couldn't get away, he ended up standing there with a massive wedgie until Mom got home. She looked outside to see Jeff hanging by boxer briefs, Eric hanging from a rope by boxers, Issac, pantless, hanging from tighty whities, Tony hanging from his tighty whities, and her father-in-law being held there by his tighty whities.

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Wedgie Story - by Wedgiemanatomic - 01-09-2019, 04:17 AM
RE: Wedgie Story - by Wedgiethebears - 04-20-2019, 08:38 AM
RE: Wedgie Story - by Wedgiethebears - 05-13-2019, 06:50 AM
RE: Wedgie Story - by Wedgiethebears - 05-13-2019, 06:50 AM
RE: Wedgie Story - by Wedgiethebears - 05-13-2019, 06:51 AM

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